Dance & Performance

Practical Performance Magic - Maija Hirvanen and Eva Neklyaeva

What if, when a performance is described as “nothing short of magical,” it is not just a metaphor? Maija Hirvanen and Eva Neklyaeva wrote a book together exploring the techniques involved in creating and curating contemporary performances through practical magic.

Like feminist magic, performance magic is not inherited or exclusive, but learned and inclusive. Anyone can practice it.

This is a book of recipes and spills, based on lived experience, observations and bewilderments of both writers.

Design: POMO
Editing: Leah Whitman-Salkin Funded by Art Promotion Centre Finland

Friends of Physical Contemporary Art, in the frame of Performing Portals project, 2023
152 pages
105mm x 150mm

Regular price
AUD 45.00
Regular price
Sale price
AUD 45.00
Practical Performance Magic - Maija Hirvanen and Eva NeklyaevaPractical Performance Magic - Maija Hirvanen and Eva NeklyaevaPractical Performance Magic - Maija Hirvanen and Eva NeklyaevaPractical Performance Magic - Maija Hirvanen and Eva NeklyaevaPractical Performance Magic - Maija Hirvanen and Eva NeklyaevaPractical Performance Magic - Maija Hirvanen and Eva NeklyaevaPractical Performance Magic - Maija Hirvanen and Eva NeklyaevaPractical Performance Magic - Maija Hirvanen and Eva NeklyaevaPractical Performance Magic - Maija Hirvanen and Eva NeklyaevaPractical Performance Magic - Maija Hirvanen and Eva Neklyaeva