Showing 20 of 20 products
Ali McCann: An Introduction to Liminal Aesthetics
Tutto, tutto, tutto... o quasi / Absolutely everything... or almost - Gianni Pettena
Soggetto Nomade
Roma. Never Walk On Crowed Streets - Giovanna Silva
I Confess - Moyra Davey
Bettina - Yto Barrada, Gregor Huber (Ed)
Peter Hujar's Day - Linda Rosenkrantz
Soлomiya № 1
Gold Custody - Barbara Bloom & Ben Lerner
Hannah Villiger: Roma and Afterwards
A Machine, a Manual - Simryn Gill
Pati Hill: Letters to Jill
2G Essays: Sigurd Lewerentz: A Trip to Italy
Carlo Mollino: Giappone 1970
Josef Albers: Messico 1935/1956
Guido Guidi – Cinque viaggi (1990-98)
Ludovico Quaroni: Roma 1968
Luigi Comencini: Italia 1945/1948