Showing 18 of 18 products
Toward a Transindividual Self - Ana Vujanović and Bojana Cvejić
Being Together: A Manual for Living - Grace Ndiritu
Imperfect Solidarities - Aruna D'Souza
Your Silence Will Not Protect You - Audre Lorde
Care where no-one does A grassroots style guide to progressive cultural production, anticipating neoliberal to national conservative times. Freek Lomme
Sowing Unrest: Biennale Matter of Art
A Brief History of Australian Terror - Bobuq Sayed
Indigenous Aesthetics and Knowledges for Great Ocean Renaissances - Dr Léuli Eshrāghi
YES YES YES Revolutionary Press in Italy 1966-1977 – from Mondo Beat to Zut
Quantum Listening - Pauline Oliveros
Soлomiya № 1
Pinnacles, Perth, Pub and Pilbara - Eleanor Peres and Alex Psaltis ( Fabrics). Ngiyanhi-gu ngidyi-galia - Matte Ager-McConnell, Rhiannon Brownbill, Roger Miranda Navarro
Capital Hates Everyone - Maurizio Lazzarato
The Blakyard: Dr. Paola Balla / Immersion: Kalanjay Dhir
The Block and the Backyard - Madeline Lo-Booth. Alternative Visions - An Interview with the Gabba Community Vision Team
Immunodemocracy Capitalist Asphyxia by Donatella Di Cesare
Why Are They So Afraid of the Lotus? A Series of Open Questions - Anthony Huberman
Postcapitalist Desire: The Final Lectures by Mark Fisher