Showing 29 of 29 products
Chiara Indelicato - Pelle di Lava
Being Together: A Manual for Living - Grace Ndiritu
Fieldwork for Future Ecologies: Radical practice for art and art-based research - EDA -Bridget Crone, Sam Nightingale, Polly Stanton
Science/Fiction: A Non-History of Plants
Toward Re-Entanglement: A Charter for the City and the Earth
Three Becomes Two Becomes One Becomes None - Leonie Brandner
Care where no-one does A grassroots style guide to progressive cultural production, anticipating neoliberal to national conservative times. Freek Lomme
A Tree, A Reader on Arboreal Kinship
Sowing Unrest: Biennale Matter of Art
Gaia and Philosophy - Lynn Margulis & Dorion Sagan
Walking as Research Practice
Amidst the fire, I am not burnt Surface Reading - Arnout De Cleene – Michiel De Cleene
Fear Guards the Lemon Grove - Klaus Pichler
Mount Horeb Palestine - Joseph E. Yoakum
Unquiet Landscape: Places and Ideas in 20th-Century British Painting - Christopher Neve
Allow me to dream a body with you - Sabina Holzer
Indigenous Aesthetics and Knowledges for Great Ocean Renaissances - Dr Léuli Eshrāghi
Sensing Earth: Cultural Quests Across a Heated Globe