Showing 42 of 42 products
Autobiography of Red - Anne Carson
Rikyu's Hundred Verses
Your Silence Will Not Protect You - Audre Lorde
Sowing Unrest: Biennale Matter of Art
a "Working Life" - Eileen Myles
Mandible Wishbone Solvent - Asiya Wadud
Something Close to Music - by John Ashbery
New Book - Simone Forti
The Ice Storm - John Ashbery
The Kuruntokai and Its Mirror - Vivek Narayanan
Bread and Water - Eileen Myles
How to Cut an Orange -Zoë Croggon
Among Buildings - Stuart Geddes, Michael Roper, Tom Ross
SERI(a) 2: Silk is a Noun
Concrete Poetry A 21st-Century Anthology
Pier Paolo Pasolini: Writing on Burning Paper
Milkweed Smithereens - Bernadette Mayer
Comme Down Delirium - Samantha Abdy