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Something Close to Music - by John Ashbery

Ashbery’s poetry is frequently described as ekphrastic, though, rather than writing a poem “based on” or “inspired” by the content of an artwork or piece of music, he engages with how the experience of seeing it and the artistic strategies employed offer ways of thinking about it and through it. Many observations from Ashbery’s art writing also provide keys to how we might read his poetry. Many recordings he listened to feature contemporary classical works that emphasize complex textures, disparate sounds, and disjunct phrases—qualities which are mimicked in his poetry.
In exploring this ekphrastic book project, the reader is invited to discover how, for Ashbery, these three forms might illuminate and inform one another. In Mónica de la Torre’s introduction, she explores the connection between the three muses of music, art, and poetry, and the ekphrastic experience of reading Ashbery.

David Zwirner Books, 2022
Softcover, 184 pages
108 mm × 178 mm

Regular price
AUD 19.00
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AUD 19.00
Something Close to Music -  by John AshberySomething Close to Music -  by John AshberySomething Close to Music -  by John AshberySomething Close to Music -  by John AshberySomething Close to Music -  by John Ashbery