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Moments Before the Wind. Notes on Scenography - Jozef Wouters

Moments Before the Wind is a heterogeneous collection of notes on scenography that offers a glimpse into the poetics and artistic practice of Jozef Wouters. These reflections on space, scenography, art making and institutional critique have developed over the years as they were written out loud in various contexts. Now settling on the page among built and unbuilt spaces, they’re an invitation to the reader to think along or against, and think up space for oneself.

“In the book 'The future of Nostalgia, Svetlana Bryan describes nostalgia as a ‘longing for a home that no longer exists or that never existed’. When I think of space, I notice that I often end up thinking about it in terms of loss. I think about the space that is no longer there. About the public square that is not really public anymore, the park that is not a park anymore. And now with social media everywhere, it seems to be impossible to have a conversation about the built world without lamenting everything that has been lost. Is built space nostalgic by nature"

Jozef Wouters is a Brussels-based scenographer and theatre-maker who develops work in collaboration with his Decoratelier. A workplace for set designers and artists, Decoratelier also provides room for cross-disciplinary ventures and social experiment.

Edited by Jeroen Peeters
Graphic design by Filiep Tacq

Varamo Press, 2020
Softcover 128 pages
142 mm x 190 mm

Regular price
AUD 34.00
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AUD 34.00
Moments Before the Wind. Notes on Scenography - Jozef Wouters Moments Before the Wind. Notes on Scenography - Jozef WoutersMoments Before the Wind. Notes on Scenography - Jozef WoutersMoments Before the Wind. Notes on Scenography - Jozef WoutersMoments Before the Wind. Notes on Scenography - Jozef WoutersMoments Before the Wind. Notes on Scenography - Jozef WoutersMoments Before the Wind. Notes on Scenography - Jozef Wouters