Showing 440 of 440 products
Paul Thek in Italy (1962-1976) - V. Da Costa
Hebdomeros & Other writings - Giorgio de Chirico
I Confess - Moyra Davey
Drawing, Material, Sculpture, Landscape - Faye Toogood
Graffiti Writing in Italy 1989–2021 - Alessandro Mininno
The Dice Cup - Max Jacob
Soundings - Judy Annear
River of Forms : Giuseppe Penone's Drawings
YES YES YES Revolutionary Press in Italy 1966-1977 – from Mondo Beat to Zut
Politics and Aesthetics - Jacques Ranciere
Maria Bartuszová
At the Foot At the Belt of the Raincoat - Alice Notley
Needles and Plastic: Flying Nun Records, 1981-1988
The Illuminated, or the Precursors of Socialism Tales and Portraits - Gérard de Nerval
The Impersonal Adventure - Marcel Béalu
The Living Museums - Franco Albini - Bbpr - Lina Bo Bardi - Carlo Scarpa
Italy and Alliance Graphique Internationale. 25 Graphic Designers of the 20th Century
Strange Impressions - Romaine Brooks